5 phases linked with 5 movies (actually 6)

24 December 2024

I love movies and documentaries! There are lots of movies that left a deep impression on me, and I am sure the same is true for you.

This inspired me to share a crazy concept with you. I like to keep things to the point, and perhaps a little simplistic at times. I will divide life and personal development into 5 phases, and I have chosen a specific movie that matches each phase. You will probably know most of them already. Or not.

Here it goes!

  1. Recognize (& acknowledge) your patterns

Yesterday I discussed patterns, and how deeply ingrained in us they can be, with a client. I am talking about those patterns that keep us small, stuck in a mediocre life. Do you want to know which patterns those are for you? 

I invite you to (re)watch this movie, where you probably recognize some of your own patterns. ´Groundhog Day´ from 1993 with Bill Murray.

Every day is the same. He keeps living the same day over and over, until…..

He finally sees all the possibilities, and the freedom he has to choose. And he starts living his day like there is no tomorrow.

2. Changing your patterns

As the movie Groundhog Day shows us, you can´t just change and stop all your negative patterns fro, one day to the next. If you start with shaking one of them up, even just a little bit, it can have a huge impact. 

Examples of this:

  • Reduce a pattern with 25%, for example when you drink 4 cups of coffee a day, see what it is like to reduce it to 3 cups. Or skip coffee every 4th day. See what feels right for you. Ofcourse you can choose any type of food or drink for this one.
  • If your pattern is to read every email as soon as it enters your mailbox, see if you can pick specific times a day where you spend half an hour answering your emails instead.
  • If you have an alarm set for the same time every day, change the time up a little, even if it is just a few minutes difference (like 6:59 or 7:01 instead of 7:00 sharp).

Choose a pattern that you would like to change up a little. If you feel resistance come up, that is totally okay! Approach it with a smile. If that is challenging for you, this short video might help you: 

 ‘Stop It’ van Bob Newhart.

  • Feel your feelings – ‘The Way Out is The Way In’

When you start changing your patterns, look at them with a different perspective or make different choices, this might bring up uncomfortable feelings. Perhaps you feel anger, sadness or fear? Know that this is part of the process. It helps you deepen your connection to yourself.

If you want to make things a little lighter for yourself, this video might help: ´La Peur van dr. Ramesh’

Not sure if this short video is still appropriate in these times. But the message still is. He describes vividly how you can surrender to fear, or whichever feeling may come up. The way out, is the way in, verrrry basic 😉 I am afraid, I am alive 😀

4 Explore your Roots

It is also of importance that you recognize the impact of your story on your life, and how your beliefs have created your reality. Insight and acceptance of the package of what your parents gave you, the good, the bad and the ugly. All of it shaped you into who you are. It is essential to take responsibility for all of it and accept and process the deeper layers of your being.

A movie that is a great metaphor for this concept is ‘As it is in Heaven.

This movie is about a successful and renowned international conductor who is at his wit´s end. All he wants is peace, and so he decides to return to the town he was born in. This brings up a series of events.

5. Find ways to express what you feel

As you walk your life path, you might think at times that you figured out how life works, or that you have explored certain issues enough and you have left them behind. And every time new lessons unfold themselves, taking you back into the not knowing and challenging you to meet other parts of yourself,.

The movie A thousand Words from 2011 with Eddy Murphy is a great visualization of all these 5 steps. 

Eddy Murphy starts as an arrogant businessman full of lies. Until he meets someone….

Life is too short to live a mediocre life. Enjoy the journey, and that also means being with the pain and sadness that life can bring.

6. Trying out a new routine

I created lately this 6th movie/docu, because it has inspired me, and I am applying it for myself, to see how this works for me.

Here you can watch the movie Miracle Morning

I hope you enjoy watching these and maybe get inspired by a couple of them.

Wishing you happy holidays!

Warm hug, Jessica
